Why is Omega-3 supplementation important?

We hear a lot about this health-promoting supplement. However, does everyone really know what omega 3 fatty acid is and what functions it performs? I don’t think so, so if you have 2 minutes, I encourage you to read today’s article.

How to use the supplement…

Let’s start with the fact that we have 3 main fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6, omega-9. Each of them is extremely important for the proper functioning of our body and it is wrong to say that omega-3 acid supplementation is the most important in every case. The right balance between all three fatty acids plays the most important role here. The problem is that we provide too much omega-6 in our menus, and the supply of omega-3 is very low. This results in an imbalance in the correct proportion, which should be between 4:1 and 2:1, where the realistic ratio is 20:1 on average!

As a result of metabolic transformations, omega-6 acids produce pro-inflammatory compounds, while omega-3 produces anti-inflammatory compounds. It can be guessed that a long-term excess of omega-6 acids in the diet is conducive to weakening the function of the immune system and an excessive tendency to inflammation of the body.

Omega-6s are essential in certain amounts, but we have so many of them in our food that we don’t need to consume any more of them Additionally, omega-9s can be produced by our bodies and are easily supplied through the diet, so there is no need to take them in supplement form.

Where can we find omega-3 acids in food? The best source of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are fatty fish.

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