What is maximum heart rate?

The maximum heart rate (Heart rate maximum) is marked as hrmax or tmax. Determines the maximum number of heart contractions per minute. Here are some facts that we should take into account if we want to start exercising with a heart rate monitor.


  • Contrary to popular belief, our maximum heart rate is genetically determined and is not at all dependent on training or predisposition.
  • heart rate is variable and its level depends on many factors, such as weather, atmospheric pressure, quality and quantity of sleep, diet, or stress,
  • the level of maximum heart rate depends on the size of the heart chambers and the plasticity of the heart muscle,
  • age does not determine the maximum heart rate, a person at the age of 40 can reach a maximum heart rate of 180 or even 200 beats per minute,
  • the nervous system is responsible for the level of maximum and resting heart rate,
  • the maximum heart rate may change, depending on the training period we are in,
  • the maximum heart rate in women is on average higher than in men,
  • Many online sources recommend running in the range of 150-160 beats per minute, which is wrong! For a person whose hrmax is, for example, 200, it will be a completely different effort than for a person whose hrmax is 180.

How to calculate maximum heart rate?

An example of a formula for maximum heart rate:

The formula is widely known and used by amateurs and athletes alike. It is worth knowing that it is not the only one and you can find several others.

Pattern for men:

HRmax = 202 – (0.55 x age)

Role model for women:

HRmax = 216 – (1.09 x age)

Test per calculation

The best and easiest way is to perform a test. We start with a thorough warm-up, preparing the body for exercise. The assumption of the test is to perform progression while running. Personally, I think that it can be done during almost any effort, but after all, running will be the easiest. The main part of the test is about ~5 minutes. We start the run at about 60-70%. Every minute or so, we turn up the pace so that in ~2 last minutes we can do our best.

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